
          回覆:神的預知 # 162 That may explain how come Taiwanese politicians chosen "John.Jean.Gwall" over "Sung.May.Lynn". Because Russia military did not ever committed the crime to 花蓮民宿 divide any Nation, USA military committed the crime to divide both Korea and Germany, and allowed their sucking politician to commmit the evilest crime tearing down the Berlin Wall broken the writing treaty or co 酒店經紀mmon oral agreement.You as US military, you must have no right to side with any political formal office to fight the people (That how the individual State must have right to demand US military to guard their border to protect their i 九份民宿ndividual State independent right, the Fed. <You sucking Fed. must have no right to take anything under you sucking fed title out of any individual State, because all your sucking fed fund all rooted at every individual State. You sucking fed. no way t 膠原蛋白o have any you own fund, if you stupid bad ugly evil Fed. has any own fund, it can only show you sucking Fed. committed deadly crime.> must have no right to tool US military to guard their sucking political power; that how US military must have to answered and guard the in 系統傢俱dividual Southern States calls, that sucking USA Fed head so called President Lincoln must have no right to call anyone to fight for his sucking office. That how all USA history texbook writers, all USA newpapers writers must have to be killed immediately for they fooled tooled to tell all naive inn 買屋ocent stupid bad ugly evil readers around the globe that their sucking Fed head Lincoln as hero instead of criminal.). That how come even China Dynasty King's force rather watched their King gone instead of offend any powerless people like Chinese said "Mean.Way.Great. Sir.G.次.Zhi. June.Way.Chin". That how China Commu 有巢氏房屋nist force can, you stupid bad ugly evil US military and NATO cannot (because Rebel has all right to do like Chinese said "Look.Jane.Boot.Ping. 8.Dow.Sean.Drew" hotly like Chinese said ""; Military must have to follow the order thoughtfully like Chinese said "Myan.Myan.Ju.Dow" "從長.G.1".), because The United States of America must have n 景觀設計o way to be the biggest Rebel like China Communist can. That how you sucking Taiwanese politicians formed government must have to gone, for you stupid bad ugly evil Taiwanese formed Government sided with sucking NATO (NATO committed the crime like Chinese said "1.Zhong.7.Gwar" that sucking NATO must have to pieced away gone with wind.)to committed the crime of d 21世紀房屋仲介ividing Yugoslavia (Why Yugoslavia military must have right to fight KLA? Because KLA not born in Yugoslavia White, they eaten White mankind to die like USA liar President Bill Clinton and Obama done.)that entire China and Japan not ever once lost that good will sight. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 好房網  .

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